Capitalism is the virus
by Brendan Montagne, The Ecologist, 13 June 2020.
‘Capitalism, colonialism, and ecological devastation are all cause and effect
of each other, and they coevolved together.’ If capitalism is a
virus, we are going to need a vaccine. And that vaccine is Black Lives Matter.
The vaccine is socialism.
Capitalism is the virus. I present this as both a
literal and metaphorical statement. My aim is to supplant the “humans are
the virus” claim.
Let’s begin then with a very brief and rough
definition of ‘virus’.
A virus is in essence a string of DNA or RNA encased
in protein. This object can enter living cells, and then change their
behaviour so that the victim or host will reproduce the virus DNA, until it
spills out and then goes onto infect the rest of the living organism.
There is much debate about whether a virus is itself a
living thing. We can define life as something that is self replicating, or
autopoetic. Viruses meet this test.
Others argue that a living thing also practices
metabolism, it uses energy to sustain its own existence. This viruses do not by
themselves do.
But they do co-opt living things to do this on their
behalf. Some claim that viruses in one state, independent and out in the wind,
are non-living but come alive once they have found a host.
Some viruses – but not all – kill their host,
stealing too much energy or overwhelming the living organism as a direct result
of its exponential growth. This to me sounds very similar – indeed pretty
much the same – as capitalism.
The DNA of capitalism is identified by the philosopher
and political economist Karl Marx in his Das Kapital as the sequence
M-C-M, or money, commodity, money. This is the logical inception or
beginning of capital.
Previously, we our body politic manifested
as feudalism. The feudal economy can be described as a process of
making a commodity, bringing it to market, exchanging it for money which is
then used to buy another commodity.
This is the C-M-C relation. It makes sense and seems
fair. If you are a farmer producing wheat, and you have more wheat than
you need you can use the market and money to obtain some apples.
But this relation existed in a real world
characterised by appropriation: slavery, indenture, tithes, taxation all
supported by extreme violence.
Capitalism as a virus begins when this host is
infected, and instantly changes its behaviour. We move from C-M-C to
As Marx points out in Capital, there is really no
point in exchange unless the money you invest is augmented or valourised, and that
you leave the process with more cash in the bank than when you left.
This is ultimately why capitalism grows exponentially.
You enter the market on Monday with £100 and leave with £110. On Tuesday,
you enter with £110 and expect £121. And on it goes.
Those who have watched David
Harvey’s films will have seen his diagrams setting out Marx’s
dialectical presentation of the capitalist production and circulation of the
commodity. This looks something like the double helix of DNA, adding a nice touch
to the metaphor that Capital itself has a code, a DNA, that it replicates
and is self-making, as it grows exponentially.
Marx’s analysis of capitalism, which begins with the
commodity and the M-C-M code, is also particularly important for our
understanding of the impact of capital on the natural environment.
Marx is clear that almost every commodity contains
within it both human labour and other natural resources. Use value and exchange
value are dialectically sublated into the commodity: two forms of nature –
natural resources such as wood, iron, plastics and also as human
labour, what we do when we go to work – are also dialectically
sublated into the commodity.
Capitalism is by definition profit making. It
functions by and through the production of the commodity and therefore the
exploitation of human labour and the rest of nature.
What we see is that capitalism infects a living
host like a virus, changing its behaviour so that energy is diverted to keeping
the virus alive and indeed so that it can be reproduced exponentially.
Like those viruses that are pathogenic to humans (and
not all viruses are) capital exhausts its host, causing it to be overwhelmed,
and making both the individual worker and the body politic sick, even to the
point of death.
This is what I mean when I say that capitalism is
literally a virus. At the same time, Marx’s analysis suggests that
capitalism is hard-wired to destroy the natural environment and also hard wired
to colonial exploitation.
The virus of capitalism is sustained on the body of
the human species but also on natural resources and most especially on the
energy stores in the form of fossil fuels of the earth.
The claim that we can “decouple” commodity production
from environmental extraction have proven false: unsurprisingly even
non-material commodities like services – going to see Disney – rely on the
massive expenditure of natural resources – the flights, the driving, the food,
the costumes.
Capitalism is a virus that has infected the biosphere
(or if you are a deep ecologist, Gaia) and will eventually kill it. It is
not a particular kind of capitalism – neoliberal, free market, statist,
industrialised – it is capitalism itself. At the same time, the growth of
capitalism means only a neoliberal, monopolised, extractivist capitalism is
Marx very famously extolled some of the benefits of
capitalism in the Communist Manifesto, and we understand that without the
incredible advances in technology and social organisation afforded by this
system we would not be where we are today.
That is not to forget the exploitation and
appropriation of wealth. That is not to forget slavery. But in the same way, we
can also recognise that viruses are not evil.
Indeed, the virus may have been the evolutionary
bridge between the sterile mechanical universe, and the rich dialectical
biology of life on earth. The nucleus of a living cell may in fact be an
invasive virus.
So could capitalism – deadly capitalism – be the basis
for a new way of living? Humans, conversely, are not a virus. If we can
cure ourselves of capitalism there is no reason why a human cannot be a net
contributor to their environments, producing the conditions necessary for
plants to grow and provide food.
We as humans are conscious of the destruction
capitalism is causing, and can imagine and we can create the alternative.
Clearly a virus has no such potential.
I want to briefly summarise the history of capitalism
using our new metaphor of capital being a virus, looking at three key stages:
its beginnings, its middle and hopeful its end.
The Black Lives Matter protests and the toppling of a
statute in Bristol means the origin story of capitalism, and in particular
British capitalism, is very much at the forefront of our minds. These
events remind us that capitalism took hold because the body politic
both here and around the world was already sick.
Capitalism could only have emerged within the context
of class society, bondage, the dispossession of the majority of people, and of
course the international networks of slavery and death.
The growth of London as the capital of capitalism
depended on Britain’s self-colonialism: the dissolution of the monistries; the
enclosures in both England and Scotland.
The people were stripped from the land. The forest was
stripped of its trees. These trees fuelled the furnaces at the birth of
Something I have only come to learn recently is these
furnaces were producing pig iron, and this was used for guns and cannon. It was
the arms industry that devastated England’s forests and the people who lived
within them.
Having burned all the wood on the island England began
its history of imperial colonisation: Ireland. The quarry was forest, or wood
for industry.
The pig iron produced enabled London’s colonialism.
When the wood was gone the early capitalists turned to coal. The need to ship
coal from Newcastle to London necessitated and funded an armada of heavy,
strong vessels, which would be commondered by the monarch for war.
The myth of British exceptionalism, and the
corresponding myth of capitalist innovation is based on the concept of the
It is claimed that Britain came to dominate the world
because it invented the steam engine, the railway, and even the capitalism
system itself. But such “inventiveness” was in fact a response to the
destructive power of capital.
The steam engine was invented as coal above the
waterline was exhausted, the railway as coal had to be transported further from
outlying mines to areas of production.
If Britain was exceptional, it was because of its
willingness to burn its forests: it was first and foremost in its self-alienation
from nature, its willingness to alienate the people from their land, and its
keenness to then colonise the world.
Capitalism, colonialism, ecological devastation are
all cause and effect of each other, and they coevolved together. The only
way I can even begin to comprehend colonialism – the murderous brutality of
Christopher Columbus, Edward Colston and their legacy today – is to assume that
these men were literally driven mad by the accumulation of wealth.
The virus had taken hold, it had changed their
behaviour, they were acting in the interests of capital, not in the interests
of humanity, and not even in their own interests as human beings.
The next phase of capitalism can be understood to be
the transition from wood and then coal to oil. Winston Churchill, whose
reputation is now being reexamined, was responsible for transferring the
British navy from coal oil. He was also a paid consultant of the Anglo-Persian
Oil Company, now BP. The move to oil defined a new epoch of capitalism, and
When I think about the founding of the United States I
inevitably fall back upon films from my childhood of white cowboys defeating
Indigenous people in horse battles across arid planes.
Very often it is the families with American accents
that have to circle their wagons, or hide in rocky mountains and shoot at
horsebacked marauders. This is a disgusting misrepresentation of native
Americans, but it is also a misrepresentation of the land.
America was almost entirely dense forest before
the arrival of the Mayflower.
American capitalism was made in a foundry fuelled by
the devastation of forest, and it was only after all the wood had been burned
that it turned to oil.
This oil first came from whaling and then, when the
oceans were emptied of these magnificent, empathic mammals, from fossil fuels
in the ground.
It’s enormous energy wealth powered its manufacturing
and shipping, building the infrastructure for industrial scale slavery, domination
and the appropriation of people and of natural wealth in Africa and the
The United States was already beginning to emerge as a
global power before the Second World War. The British empire transferred
almost all of its wealth to the United States in exchange for oil for its oil
burning ships.
The depletion of US oil in the process then
supercharged the US’s ambitions as a colonial power, leading to the power
struggle and conflict in the Middle East, which continues to today with the bombing
of Syria and the sanctions against Iran.
Britain effectively stopped being an empire after the
war. The country could no longer depend on the spoils of a global colonial
network fueled by fossil fuels and extreme exploitation.
Inevitably, the continued accumulation of capital
resulted in a transfer of wealth from the many to the few; and equally
inevitably this resulted in a confrontation between the working class – and in
particular the working class engaged in the devastation of nature in the
production of coal – and the ruling class and their state.
The defeat of the miners’s strike in 1984 ushred in
neoliberal capitalism, and in turn the gradual hollowing out of the welfare
The previous era of Keynesian economics could be understood
as an attempt to contain and slow the virus of capitalism – to flatten the
curve so that everyone would become infected but our welfare state would not
become overwhelmed by unemployment, poverty and deprivation, so that the earth
systems could recover between harvests.
Neoliberalism was the policy decision to let the virus
What we now know is that long before the miners
strike, oil companies including ExxonMobil in the US and Shell and BP here in
the UK knew that capital’s dependency on fossil fuels, and in particular oil,
would cost us the earth.
Climate scientists had established that carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere traps heat, that burning fossil fuels put CO2 in the
atmosphere, that the world was indeed beginning to heat.
We now know that climate breakdown has already begun,
that we are approaching terrifying tipping points, and that our progress to
armageddon will not be steady and smooth.
We now know, we now have proof, that the oil industry
executives knew.
Shell planned a radical transfer away from oil and gas
and towards renewable forms of energy. But the markets were spooked, the
investors would not take the risk. And so we continued towards the collapse of
civilisations, the collapse of our living systems, the collapse of the
I can only comprehend this decision when I assume that
once again in human history the virus had taken hold, changing the behaviour of
the host to meet its immediate needs, but without the consciousness of animal
life to know that ultimately it would kill its host, its habitat, and
ultimately destroy its own future.
We need to pose the question: will the end of
capitalism only arrive with the end of human civilization as we know it, and
indeed the end of the human species and the biosphere?
It is at this moment that the novel coronavirus enters
the story. We have a high level of certainty that the novel coronavirus –
Covid-19 – originated in bats.
There is evidence that bats would never have become
infected, the infection would not have entered the human population, and this
infection would not have become a global pandemic, had it not been for the
vector of capitalism.
It is at this point that capitalism not only is
metaphorically a virus, but the system of capitalism metamorphosis into a real,
material virus.
How is this so? In the first place, the decision of
the Communist Party of China to introduce a form of neoliberal capitalist
production into some areas of the country had resulted in the logging and
encroachment of forest.
Bats become sick when stressed by industry and
deforestation and are much more vulnerable to viruses, which then spread
and mutate. The encroachment into new areas by the animal agriculture
industry it seems created the pathways that allowed the infected bat to enter
into other species, and then ultimately to us.
This exact process has been predicted by scientists
for some time, as evidenced by the film ‘Contagion’ which was written in
consultation with scientists in the field.
The introduction of liberal capitalism into some
regions of China had also exacerbated social inequality, creating a wealthy
cohort who began to indulge in luxuries including “live” and “wet” meat
markets, and exotic foods like bats and pangolin.
These practices are described as “traditional Chinese
foods” but would disgust working class people in Beijing in the same way it
might disgust anyone in the UK.
The existence of a global hyper-capitalist
infrastructure meant that the novel coronavirus did not impact a small, local
population but instead within just weeks had become a global crisis.
The airline industry became a carrier of the disease
into every continent and almost every country. Those centres of capital
most connected through aviation were the first to be impacted. Britain is home
Healthrow, the busiest airport in the world outside of the United States, and
is now the centre of the European pandemic.
The aviation industry depends on fossil fuels more
than any other (there are no electric planes landing any time soon). But it
also depends on subsidised fuels.
Flying is a form of tax avoidance, because planes can
theoretically refuel in the country with the lowest tax. And relatedly the
aviation industry is based off shore. As such it not only escapes climate
regulation and taxation, but does not contribute to the funding of the state.
These same airlines have been awarded hundreds of
millions of pounds each in state subsidies in the UK alone. The parasite
continues to feed even at the risk of killing the host. This is money diverted
away from the NHS, from climate jobs.
Capitalism – and in particular neoliberal capitalism –
created the perfect conditions for the pandemic. The ideology of
neoliberalism undermined the status, the efficacy and well as the resource base
for the state.
The ruling class gave up on politics, and focused
entirely on capital production pure and simple. The financialisation of the
The crisis of 2008 was prevented from becoming a
terminal global crisis because it was transformed into a crisis for the state,
and in particular the welfare state.
Health services, social services, education systems,
welfare systems have all been undermined by 40 years of neoliberalism
accelerated in the last decade during 10 years of austerity.
The non-capitalist infrastructure that could have
prevented the pandemic or at least reduced its impact. The British
government recognised that a new flu virus was the greatest threat to national
security, it established during planning exercises in 2016 that we were
hopelessly unprepared.
But it spent the next four years depleting our
stockpiles of PPE.
The logic of the market meant that there was no return
on investment in buying masks and gloves, especially when tax rebates for the
richest had meant the state would not buy PPE in order to keep it in store.
The virus of capitalism has infected the human
species, changing its behaviour so that we devastate our natural environment,
and also delete and destroy our own social wealth. This has made the body
politic sick, and this has created a vector into which the actual virus, novel
coronavirus, could spread so quickly and with such devastating
The crisis of novel coronavirus has led to 65,000
deaths so far in the UK. Scientists believe that less than 10 percent of the
population has been infected so far.
This suggests that 600,00 deaths are possible in this
country alone. That is significantly more than the UK suffered in the Second
World War.
Clearly, the picture internationally is
horrific. We will be talking about multiple millions of deaths. The world
leaders could have stopped this.
They could have shut down the aviation industry the
moment The Lancet and the World Health Organisation warned of a potential
A global programme of test, trace, islote and
compensation could have contained the virus to a few hundred thousand people,
where it would have simply died out.
The novel coronavirus has also caused the biggest
economic collapse on record, and probably in the history of capitalism. In
Britain we have seen economic growth fall by 20 percent.
We have seen 40m people unemployed in the United
States. This history of capitalism approaches the end of the final phase, where
the virus overwhelms and exhausts its host, where the host dies and the virus
dies with it.
The body politic, the biosphere is sick to death. If
we do not cure the planet of capitalism soom, it may be too late. There are
always limits to growth.
The novel coronavirus in its current form may go on to
infect everyone, creating an immune response and simply die out. Capitalism may
kill the biosphere and simply die out. The crisis of climate breakdown and
biodiversity collapse did not get resolved by the lockdown.
The end of the lockdown brings individual deaths from
coronavirus and brings us to social collapse from carbon capitalism.
Even now, the only way I can understand the actions of
our world leaders is to believe that they too have been infected by a virus,
that they were acting in the interests of capital and not the interests of the
human species, nor indeed their own long term interests.
The virus of capitalism is so entrenched in the UK, in
its institutions such as private schools, elite universities, its Parliament
and its media.
Everything is hijacked or hacked in the interests of
the virus. There are some – Boris Johnson, George Osborne, Domminic Cummings –
that may have been born infected and who have been so overtaken by the virus
that there is clearly no cure. Test. Trace. Isolate?
We desperately need an immune response to the virus of
capitalism – we have needed one ever since the first infection.
Indeed, when it comes to capitalism we do need herd
immunity. The NHS, the care homes, the care workers, the bus drivers, the
refuse collectors, the school teachers, those engaged in useful work are our
Together they form our defence against both
coronavirus and indeed against capitalism. Capitalism, neoliberalism, austerity
had weakened this system and made us vulnerable when the real, material virus
To understand how hardwired environmental destruction,
colonialism and vulnerability to the coronavirus is, it is worth doing a brief
mental exercise.
What would a society based on human need rather than
the accumulation of capital have that we did not have in November 2019.
You can assume any such society would have the
following infrastructure:
1. Huge areas of land reserved for non-human
nature. This was implemented in Russia in 1918.
2. A system for monitoring virus and disease
in mammals and animals that are vulnerable to the same pathogens as humans.
This exists today but is grossly underfunded.
3. A fully transparent, global reporting
system for any potential outbreak, similar but better resourced than that used
by the WHO.
4. An authority, preferably specialist and democratic,
that can shut down the international aviation industry immediately if there is
a threat of pandemic.
5. A store of tests and PPE in every nation
so that a test, trace and isolate regime can be instigated within ours – and
not after months – of any infections.
6. A comprehensive system for health and
welfare ensuring that populations are fed, sheltered and well.
7. A working culture that means that people
are not already exhausted and stressed, and where anyone reporting symptoms of
even a mild cold can take time off work to rest, isolate from colleagues, and
recover with no loss of income.
If capitalism is a virus, we are going to need a
vaccine. And that vaccine is Black Lives Matter. The vaccine is
‘Capitalism, colonialism, and ecological devastation are all cause and effect
of each other, and they coevolved together.’ If capitalism is a
virus, we are going to need a vaccine. And that vaccine is Black Lives Matter.
The vaccine is socialism.

literal and metaphorical statement. My aim is to supplant the “humans are
the virus” claim.
definition of ‘virus’.
in protein. This object can enter living cells, and then change their
behaviour so that the victim or host will reproduce the virus DNA, until it
spills out and then goes onto infect the rest of the living organism.
living thing. We can define life as something that is self replicating, or
autopoetic. Viruses meet this test.
metabolism, it uses energy to sustain its own existence. This viruses do not by
themselves do.
behalf. Some claim that viruses in one state, independent and out in the wind,
are non-living but come alive once they have found a host.
stealing too much energy or overwhelming the living organism as a direct result
of its exponential growth. This to me sounds very similar – indeed pretty
much the same – as capitalism.
and political economist Karl Marx in his Das Kapital as the sequence
M-C-M, or money, commodity, money. This is the logical inception or
beginning of capital.
as feudalism. The feudal economy can be described as a process of
making a commodity, bringing it to market, exchanging it for money which is
then used to buy another commodity.
fair. If you are a farmer producing wheat, and you have more wheat than
you need you can use the market and money to obtain some apples.
characterised by appropriation: slavery, indenture, tithes, taxation all
supported by extreme violence.
infected, and instantly changes its behaviour. We move from C-M-C to
point in exchange unless the money you invest is augmented or valourised, and that
you leave the process with more cash in the bank than when you left.
You enter the market on Monday with £100 and leave with £110. On Tuesday,
you enter with £110 and expect £121. And on it goes.
Harvey’s films will have seen his diagrams setting out Marx’s
dialectical presentation of the capitalist production and circulation of the
commodity. This looks something like the double helix of DNA, adding a nice touch
to the metaphor that Capital itself has a code, a DNA, that it replicates
and is self-making, as it grows exponentially.
commodity and the M-C-M code, is also particularly important for our
understanding of the impact of capital on the natural environment.
within it both human labour and other natural resources. Use value and exchange
value are dialectically sublated into the commodity: two forms of nature –
natural resources such as wood, iron, plastics and also as human
labour, what we do when we go to work – are also dialectically
sublated into the commodity.
functions by and through the production of the commodity and therefore the
exploitation of human labour and the rest of nature.
host like a virus, changing its behaviour so that energy is diverted to keeping
the virus alive and indeed so that it can be reproduced exponentially.
not all viruses are) capital exhausts its host, causing it to be overwhelmed,
and making both the individual worker and the body politic sick, even to the
point of death.
literally a virus. At the same time, Marx’s analysis suggests that
capitalism is hard-wired to destroy the natural environment and also hard wired
to colonial exploitation.
the human species but also on natural resources and most especially on the
energy stores in the form of fossil fuels of the earth.
from environmental extraction have proven false: unsurprisingly even
non-material commodities like services – going to see Disney – rely on the
massive expenditure of natural resources – the flights, the driving, the food,
the costumes.
(or if you are a deep ecologist, Gaia) and will eventually kill it. It is
not a particular kind of capitalism – neoliberal, free market, statist,
industrialised – it is capitalism itself. At the same time, the growth of
capitalism means only a neoliberal, monopolised, extractivist capitalism is
capitalism in the Communist Manifesto, and we understand that without the
incredible advances in technology and social organisation afforded by this
system we would not be where we are today.
appropriation of wealth. That is not to forget slavery. But in the same way, we
can also recognise that viruses are not evil.
bridge between the sterile mechanical universe, and the rich dialectical
biology of life on earth. The nucleus of a living cell may in fact be an
invasive virus.
for a new way of living? Humans, conversely, are not a virus. If we can
cure ourselves of capitalism there is no reason why a human cannot be a net
contributor to their environments, producing the conditions necessary for
plants to grow and provide food.
capitalism is causing, and can imagine and we can create the alternative.
Clearly a virus has no such potential.
using our new metaphor of capital being a virus, looking at three key stages:
its beginnings, its middle and hopeful its end.
statute in Bristol means the origin story of capitalism, and in particular
British capitalism, is very much at the forefront of our minds. These
events remind us that capitalism took hold because the body politic
both here and around the world was already sick.
of class society, bondage, the dispossession of the majority of people, and of
course the international networks of slavery and death.
depended on Britain’s self-colonialism: the dissolution of the monistries; the
enclosures in both England and Scotland.
stripped of its trees. These trees fuelled the furnaces at the birth of
furnaces were producing pig iron, and this was used for guns and cannon. It was
the arms industry that devastated England’s forests and the people who lived
within them.
its history of imperial colonisation: Ireland. The quarry was forest, or wood
for industry.
When the wood was gone the early capitalists turned to coal. The need to ship
coal from Newcastle to London necessitated and funded an armada of heavy,
strong vessels, which would be commondered by the monarch for war.
corresponding myth of capitalist innovation is based on the concept of the
because it invented the steam engine, the railway, and even the capitalism
system itself. But such “inventiveness” was in fact a response to the
destructive power of capital.
waterline was exhausted, the railway as coal had to be transported further from
outlying mines to areas of production.
willingness to burn its forests: it was first and foremost in its self-alienation
from nature, its willingness to alienate the people from their land, and its
keenness to then colonise the world.
all cause and effect of each other, and they coevolved together. The only
way I can even begin to comprehend colonialism – the murderous brutality of
Christopher Columbus, Edward Colston and their legacy today – is to assume that
these men were literally driven mad by the accumulation of wealth.
behaviour, they were acting in the interests of capital, not in the interests
of humanity, and not even in their own interests as human beings.
the transition from wood and then coal to oil. Winston Churchill, whose
reputation is now being reexamined, was responsible for transferring the
British navy from coal oil. He was also a paid consultant of the Anglo-Persian
Oil Company, now BP. The move to oil defined a new epoch of capitalism, and
inevitably fall back upon films from my childhood of white cowboys defeating
Indigenous people in horse battles across arid planes.
that have to circle their wagons, or hide in rocky mountains and shoot at
horsebacked marauders. This is a disgusting misrepresentation of native
Americans, but it is also a misrepresentation of the land.
the arrival of the Mayflower.
the devastation of forest, and it was only after all the wood had been burned
that it turned to oil.
oceans were emptied of these magnificent, empathic mammals, from fossil fuels
in the ground.
and shipping, building the infrastructure for industrial scale slavery, domination
and the appropriation of people and of natural wealth in Africa and the
global power before the Second World War. The British empire transferred
almost all of its wealth to the United States in exchange for oil for its oil
burning ships.
supercharged the US’s ambitions as a colonial power, leading to the power
struggle and conflict in the Middle East, which continues to today with the bombing
of Syria and the sanctions against Iran.
war. The country could no longer depend on the spoils of a global colonial
network fueled by fossil fuels and extreme exploitation.
resulted in a transfer of wealth from the many to the few; and equally
inevitably this resulted in a confrontation between the working class – and in
particular the working class engaged in the devastation of nature in the
production of coal – and the ruling class and their state.
neoliberal capitalism, and in turn the gradual hollowing out of the welfare
as an attempt to contain and slow the virus of capitalism – to flatten the
curve so that everyone would become infected but our welfare state would not
become overwhelmed by unemployment, poverty and deprivation, so that the earth
systems could recover between harvests.
strike, oil companies including ExxonMobil in the US and Shell and BP here in
the UK knew that capital’s dependency on fossil fuels, and in particular oil,
would cost us the earth.
in the atmosphere traps heat, that burning fossil fuels put CO2 in the
atmosphere, that the world was indeed beginning to heat.
that we are approaching terrifying tipping points, and that our progress to
armageddon will not be steady and smooth.
executives knew.
and towards renewable forms of energy. But the markets were spooked, the
investors would not take the risk. And so we continued towards the collapse of
civilisations, the collapse of our living systems, the collapse of the
once again in human history the virus had taken hold, changing the behaviour of
the host to meet its immediate needs, but without the consciousness of animal
life to know that ultimately it would kill its host, its habitat, and
ultimately destroy its own future.
capitalism only arrive with the end of human civilization as we know it, and
indeed the end of the human species and the biosphere?
the story. We have a high level of certainty that the novel coronavirus –
Covid-19 – originated in bats.
infected, the infection would not have entered the human population, and this
infection would not have become a global pandemic, had it not been for the
vector of capitalism.
metaphorically a virus, but the system of capitalism metamorphosis into a real,
material virus.
the Communist Party of China to introduce a form of neoliberal capitalist
production into some areas of the country had resulted in the logging and
encroachment of forest.
deforestation and are much more vulnerable to viruses, which then spread
and mutate. The encroachment into new areas by the animal agriculture
industry it seems created the pathways that allowed the infected bat to enter
into other species, and then ultimately to us.
for some time, as evidenced by the film ‘Contagion’ which was written in
consultation with scientists in the field.
regions of China had also exacerbated social inequality, creating a wealthy
cohort who began to indulge in luxuries including “live” and “wet” meat
markets, and exotic foods like bats and pangolin.
foods” but would disgust working class people in Beijing in the same way it
might disgust anyone in the UK.
infrastructure meant that the novel coronavirus did not impact a small, local
population but instead within just weeks had become a global crisis.
into every continent and almost every country. Those centres of capital
most connected through aviation were the first to be impacted. Britain is home
Healthrow, the busiest airport in the world outside of the United States, and
is now the centre of the European pandemic.
than any other (there are no electric planes landing any time soon). But it
also depends on subsidised fuels.
theoretically refuel in the country with the lowest tax. And relatedly the
aviation industry is based off shore. As such it not only escapes climate
regulation and taxation, but does not contribute to the funding of the state.
millions of pounds each in state subsidies in the UK alone. The parasite
continues to feed even at the risk of killing the host. This is money diverted
away from the NHS, from climate jobs.
created the perfect conditions for the pandemic. The ideology of
neoliberalism undermined the status, the efficacy and well as the resource base
for the state.
entirely on capital production pure and simple. The financialisation of the
terminal global crisis because it was transformed into a crisis for the state,
and in particular the welfare state.
welfare systems have all been undermined by 40 years of neoliberalism
accelerated in the last decade during 10 years of austerity.
prevented the pandemic or at least reduced its impact. The British
government recognised that a new flu virus was the greatest threat to national
security, it established during planning exercises in 2016 that we were
hopelessly unprepared.
stockpiles of PPE.
on investment in buying masks and gloves, especially when tax rebates for the
richest had meant the state would not buy PPE in order to keep it in store.
species, changing its behaviour so that we devastate our natural environment,
and also delete and destroy our own social wealth. This has made the body
politic sick, and this has created a vector into which the actual virus, novel
coronavirus, could spread so quickly and with such devastating
deaths so far in the UK. Scientists believe that less than 10 percent of the
population has been infected so far.
country alone. That is significantly more than the UK suffered in the Second
World War.
horrific. We will be talking about multiple millions of deaths. The world
leaders could have stopped this.
moment The Lancet and the World Health Organisation warned of a potential
compensation could have contained the virus to a few hundred thousand people,
where it would have simply died out.
economic collapse on record, and probably in the history of capitalism. In
Britain we have seen economic growth fall by 20 percent.
States. This history of capitalism approaches the end of the final phase, where
the virus overwhelms and exhausts its host, where the host dies and the virus
dies with it.
we do not cure the planet of capitalism soom, it may be too late. There are
always limits to growth.
infect everyone, creating an immune response and simply die out. Capitalism may
kill the biosphere and simply die out. The crisis of climate breakdown and
biodiversity collapse did not get resolved by the lockdown.
coronavirus and brings us to social collapse from carbon capitalism.
our world leaders is to believe that they too have been infected by a virus,
that they were acting in the interests of capital and not the interests of the
human species, nor indeed their own long term interests.
its institutions such as private schools, elite universities, its Parliament
and its media.
the virus. There are some – Boris Johnson, George Osborne, Domminic Cummings –
that may have been born infected and who have been so overtaken by the virus
that there is clearly no cure. Test. Trace. Isolate?
capitalism – we have needed one ever since the first infection.
immunity. The NHS, the care homes, the care workers, the bus drivers, the
refuse collectors, the school teachers, those engaged in useful work are our
coronavirus and indeed against capitalism. Capitalism, neoliberalism, austerity
had weakened this system and made us vulnerable when the real, material virus
colonialism and vulnerability to the coronavirus is, it is worth doing a brief
mental exercise.
the accumulation of capital have that we did not have in November 2019.
following infrastructure:
nature. This was implemented in Russia in 1918.
in mammals and animals that are vulnerable to the same pathogens as humans.
This exists today but is grossly underfunded.
system for any potential outbreak, similar but better resourced than that used
by the WHO.
that can shut down the international aviation industry immediately if there is
a threat of pandemic.
so that a test, trace and isolate regime can be instigated within ours – and
not after months – of any infections.
welfare ensuring that populations are fed, sheltered and well.
are not already exhausted and stressed, and where anyone reporting symptoms of
even a mild cold can take time off work to rest, isolate from colleagues, and
recover with no loss of income.
vaccine. And that vaccine is Black Lives Matter. The vaccine is